
Your home for Do-It-Yourself kits and Premium Restoration services that uses the factory original process to restore the high quality woodgrain finishes that were used in many classic automobiles. This process adds the warmth and beauty that is often associated with these fine vehicles of the past. This is the same process used by over 65 American auto manufacturers from the late 20s to the early 50s. Using the contoured printing method of woodgraining will assure you the original look you are after!
What is woodgraining?
Our Woodgraining process is a faux finishing technique using the contoured printing method. Our system is the factory original method used by many American Automobile Manufacturers from the 1920s until the mid 1950s. With this system you can woodgrain just about anything you can paint. These tools were developed so everyday people could produce beautiful factory original woodgrain finishes at home.
Grain It Technologies is the ONLY manufacturer and supplier worldwide of these specialized tools and supplies.
In the Beginning...
How did the art of woodgraining begin? Watch this video and learn.
You can be a Pro Too!
Get started and see how, with our one-of-a-kind tool kits and tools, you can restore antique cars just like a professional.
Big Daddy Don Garlits
Watch this video and see what Big Daddy Don Garlits had to say about the ease of using Grain It Technologies system
So Much More!
Learn about finding the correct patterns or color matching. Watch a video on Toners and learn some really good tool tips. Then get into advanced woodgraining including Two Tone Woodgraining. Our complete list of Videos for the Do-It-Yourself individuals can be found…